My wife and I watched the final episode of ER last night. Tremendous! What a great show. And we have so many interwoven moments of our lives that we attached to the show, the Thursday nights, the storylines, the characters. Thank you to all that made ER a reality.
Kelsey Aaron and Christian watched the finale with us just to share the moment. When it was over Aaron said that they couldn't just leave it like that and never have another show. It was too good.
The final segment with all the doctors, interns, nurses, etc. gathered to greet the emergency cars as they came in, the triage and action that ensued, then Dr. Carter asking Dr. Green (Rachel) if she was coming to help...just perfect. My wife and I both vividly remember Rachel's father Mark asking Carter that same question many many years ago.
ER captured the moment, lightening in a bottle, and kept it going for many many years.