what a beautiful weekend we've had
do you remember spyrograph? you pick out a big wheel and a little wheel, get a pen, some paper, put the little wheel in the big wheel, put the pen in a hole and let it go. around and around; random designs and then when all is done you've created a fairly amazing design. beautiful.
this weekend was testimony to the randomness (is it really random?) of this world, the beauty of love, and the grace God brings to our lives...
amy and andy had the most beautiful wedding ceremony! it is so difficult to arrange an event like this and have it show the personalities of the bride and groom...this one was perfect. and the entire day became an affirmation of not only their lives, but everyone who attended.
i know that the interconnection, the randomness (is it really random?) of life events was all brought back crystal clear to me this weekend:
-- when we arrived at the church, someone kept repeating "mike, mike, mike, mike..." while i was talking... i finally looked over and it was Mark and Lora Rohrbough! they taught Mary and I in Sunday School 25 years ago! our paths have crossed many times with stephen and amy having attended high school in Bridgeport where Mark and Lora live. they were at the wedding because the groom grew up on their street and was great friends of the family! it was so fantastic catching up with them. i fully believe that their presence in my life while i was in high school significantly impacted me and continues to shape me. truly blessed
-- the wedding was absolutely beauiful. a triumph of reality. everything was real, not stuffy or over produced or over rehearsed. it was all amy and andy. beautiful. truly blessed
-- at the reception i met Tim Dewitt...a name i've known forever but don't remember ever meeting him...i knew him as my room-mates trumpet teacher...my room-mate from college, Kenny Rittenhouse who is now a professional jazz player in Washington DC. so i was able to talk to Tim Dewitt and discuss many names from the past...Kenny Rittenhouse, John Christian, John Clark...amazing. truly blessed
-- one of the staff that was working at the reception (at the Charlestown Town Center) looked familiar to me so I asked her where I might know her from...i said i was from wheeling / st. clairsville...her dad had been major of wheeling and she used to work at the restaurant right beside the building i work in...small small world. truly blessed
-- the reception was wonderful. dancing...great moments between the bride and groom, the bride and father, toasts from family members, affirmation. affirmation. affirmation. truly blessed
-- and our car problems that we experienced on the way down...Sarah and Mike helping us out as they did...gracious...wonderful. truly blessed
thank you God
do you remember spyrograph? you pick out a big wheel and a little wheel, get a pen, some paper, put the little wheel in the big wheel, put the pen in a hole and let it go. around and around; random designs and then when all is done you've created a fairly amazing design. beautiful.
this weekend was testimony to the randomness (is it really random?) of this world, the beauty of love, and the grace God brings to our lives...
amy and andy had the most beautiful wedding ceremony! it is so difficult to arrange an event like this and have it show the personalities of the bride and groom...this one was perfect. and the entire day became an affirmation of not only their lives, but everyone who attended.
i know that the interconnection, the randomness (is it really random?) of life events was all brought back crystal clear to me this weekend:
-- when we arrived at the church, someone kept repeating "mike, mike, mike, mike..." while i was talking... i finally looked over and it was Mark and Lora Rohrbough! they taught Mary and I in Sunday School 25 years ago! our paths have crossed many times with stephen and amy having attended high school in Bridgeport where Mark and Lora live. they were at the wedding because the groom grew up on their street and was great friends of the family! it was so fantastic catching up with them. i fully believe that their presence in my life while i was in high school significantly impacted me and continues to shape me. truly blessed
-- the wedding was absolutely beauiful. a triumph of reality. everything was real, not stuffy or over produced or over rehearsed. it was all amy and andy. beautiful. truly blessed
-- at the reception i met Tim Dewitt...a name i've known forever but don't remember ever meeting him...i knew him as my room-mates trumpet teacher...my room-mate from college, Kenny Rittenhouse who is now a professional jazz player in Washington DC. so i was able to talk to Tim Dewitt and discuss many names from the past...Kenny Rittenhouse, John Christian, John Clark...amazing. truly blessed
-- one of the staff that was working at the reception (at the Charlestown Town Center) looked familiar to me so I asked her where I might know her from...i said i was from wheeling / st. clairsville...her dad had been major of wheeling and she used to work at the restaurant right beside the building i work in...small small world. truly blessed
-- the reception was wonderful. dancing...great moments between the bride and groom, the bride and father, toasts from family members, affirmation. affirmation. affirmation. truly blessed
-- and our car problems that we experienced on the way down...Sarah and Mike helping us out as they did...gracious...wonderful. truly blessed
thank you God