Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Sunday - Thoburn UMC

This audio clip is from our brass ensemble, recorded a couple of years ago. We play this arrangement of O Holy Night each year. Beautiful. Great people in this ensemble. Thanks to them for the fun and the opportunity to keep playing music!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Merry Christmas from the Perkins Family
St. Clairsville, OH

We hope that 2009 brought you a bounty of experiences and that the good have outnumbered the bad. This year has been another wonderful phase in the Perkins family.

Mike and Mary continue to enjoy this crazy experience called parenting. Our children enrich our lives, keep our calendars maxed out, and lead us to new adventures and occasional dilemmas that strengthen our resolve, brighten our future, and warm our hearts. In economic times that are challenging to most, we’ve felt that pain. The banking world has become an ever-changing and ever-frustrating experience, but Mike continues to be challenged in his job with WesBanco. The Starbuck’s in the Ohio Valley Mall was closed suddenly last month but fortunately Mary was able to move to the nearby drive-thru Starbucks without too much turbulence. We were able to sneak in a short trip to Chicago but the family vacation was at home this past summer.

Brittany completed her freshman year at West Virginia Wesleyan and is now already halfway through her sophomore year. She continues to participate in the flute ensemble and recently entertained us with their Fall recital. She continues to enjoy her choice of major – teaching – and has enjoyed working with the children at the Buckhannon Child Development Center. Brittany also found time to join a sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and the music honorary, Sigma Alpha Iota. That’s all Greek to me.

Kelsey is in her sophomore year of high school and continues to enjoy music in many ways, through playing tenor drums in the high school band, and continuing her involvement in Elements Indoor Performance Ensemble. Kelsey is an honor roll student and has participated in swimming and softball this past year. Kelsey is also learning to drive, obtaining her permit and anxiously awaiting her birthday in February to take the test for her license. (AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!)

Aaron rejoined scouts this year and is currently a Tenderfoot rank in the Boy Scouts. He continues to thrive in all things athletic including cross country this year, along with basketball, baseball and soccer. Aaron participated in Destination Imagination and his team advanced from the regional to the state tournament. Aaron was on the principles list this past 9 weeks and enjoys playing drums in the 7th grade band. Aaron is participating in the confirmation class at Thoburn and will become a member in 2010.

Christian is also a Tenderfoot rank in the Boy Scouts and has played basketball, football, baseball, and soccer this year. Christian also participated in Destination Imagination this year and his team also advanced from the regional to the state tournament. Christian is on the honor roll and is playing drums in the 6th grade band.

and Happy New Year!