Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alvin, Zanesville, Elements and Shrek

I am posting this from a parking lot in Zanesville, hopping on someone's linksys internet connection. We are here with Kelsey as she practices with her drumline (Elements) until 1:30 a.m. They then practice again on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Mary, Aaron and I made the trip and just decided to stay here then drive home to sleep in our own beds (it is only 1 hour back home). We went to the mall and watched The Chipmunk movie (Alvin, Simon, Theodore). It was very funny. And now I blog while Aaron watches Shrek 3 and Mary sleeps.

My soul has been nuclear lately. I am very satisfied. Happy with all.

Brittany found out today that she has been accepted at the University of Charleston and that she also received a very significant scholarship. We are traveling there on Monday to visit the campus.

She is very excited!

Too much fun for one evening / morning!

A line from Miranda Lambert comes to mind... "I'm waiting on the sun to set cause yesterday ain't over yet."

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