Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Sometime in high school and early in college, I resolved to become an accountant. In accounting, CIP is often used as an acronym for Construction In Progress. An apt description of me during that time period. And when I reflect on those years, the greatest impact on me was none other than CIP, Charles I. Presar. This wonderful man passed away this past Sunday.

Charles I. Presar Obituary

Our paths crossed due to Chuck already knowing the Lowthers, specifically Sarah, prior to Mary and I attending WVWC. Mary's interest in dramatic arts kept us involved in the theatre program, and then I ended up with a work study working for Mr. Presar. I expected work, I was not expecting to be mentored and challenged at every turn. Chuck chipped away at my outer shell and challenged me to look inside. He challenged me to not become a stodgy businessman but remain a feeling emotional artist in whatever I did...relationships, music, work, etc. He placed me in uncomfortable roles, both in the work setting and in plays, and constantly expected more of me than I thought was possible. I hope I met his goals. I feel like I at least came close.

I'll always regret that our paths did not cross much after I graduated from WVWC in 1988 and he retired in 1990. Even with our daughter attending WVWC the past few years I didn't make it to Central Ave. often enough. We were able to visit recently and I am thankful for that.

I know that I am a better man for knowing him. I'm not sure of a better compliment you can give someone.

RIP CIP. Thank you for taking the time to mold me.

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