We are all ready to get home but are not looking forward to the travelling.
7:20 bus ride to the airport. Prague to Frankfurt; then to Philadelphia; then to Pittsburgh.
Check in at Prague was a complete fiasco. We tried to use the kiosks as advised by Elena. BK and I got boarding passes for everything BUT Prague to Frankfurt.
It was a long wait but we made the flight. All is well; for now.
The passenger beside me on the flight from Prague to Frankfurt is heading home to Australia. They have 24 more hours of flight ahead of them. Wow.
At Frankfurt we saw the Minnesota group that had toured with us. They left for the Prague airport at 4 a.m. and flew to Frankfurt - their flight from Frankfort to Chicago was delayed three hours and now they will miss their next connection! They will be staying the night in Frankfurt!
Our flight went well except we seemed to take an odd route to Philadelphia and had very little time to make our connection. We heard later that an air traffic contollers strike in France and bad weather on the East coast of the U.S. may have been to blame.
Once we landed in Philadelphia there was a rush to get through customs and try to make our connection to Pittsburgh. After all the rushing our flight was delayed of course.
Brittany and Kelsey blew up in the airport. Tired and stressed.
All ended up fine.
This has been a great trip but we are ready for home. And McDonalds. Sweet tea.
We are home. Long drive with very tired passengers but we made it. Thank goodness for St. Clairsville!
And for Mary. I'm so thankful she gave me this opportunity. And for all the family and friends who supported the trip in so many ways! I am blessed.
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