She showed us where the movie "The Piano" was filmed.
She also talked about horrible flooding experienced by Poland in the past few weeks.
When we traveled through the Ghetto she talked about how it was only 80 hectars for the entire Jewish population.
She also told us about Lazienki Krololeskie and Erena Sindler. Sindler helped save over 2,500 Jewish children.
As we visited part of the Ghetto wall that was still standing I saw two children playing ball in a courtyard. I got to play with them and helped them pick up when their Mom called. The ball they played with was covered to look like a globe.
We visited a memorial to the Warsaw Holocaust victims and those who lived in the Jewish Ghetto their. It is hard to imagine the depravity that man is capable of. Ulah and I were discussing this and she told me that she has had tours that would not get off the bus at Holocaust sites because they believed the entire Holocaust story to be a hoax. Unbelievable.
Ulah left us and after lunch we drove towards Old Town Warsaw. We went by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Old Town is the center of commerce of Warsaw and was always busy. It also includes many government buildings including the Presidential Palace. Poland's President was killed in a plane crash in April and a special election is to occur tomorrow to elect a President. His wife also died in that crash and they are entombed in Krakow.
We were able to visit a memorial at the Presidential Palace and there were many news companies setting up for coverage.
At the end of the day I watched the Polish election results roll in. Very interesting. No candidate is getting over 50% so a run-off will have to be scheduled.
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