Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 10 - Europe 2013

We started later (9:45) due to our late arrival. We took a 2 hour bus tour of Berlin with Craig as our guide. Craig is an American and did a great job.

We went to the Memorial to Jewish that died in World War II. This is a haunting memorial and the designer will not reveal his symbolism. Craig shared his interpretation - that maybe some blocks that did not protrude from the ground were obstacles for the Jewish people that were already part of the culture of Germany prior to WWII. For instance, the Jewish people had been taxed differently. Other blocks were more raised out of the ground. As you move towards the center of the monument the blocks are bigger obstacles and more intimidating. You get overwhelmed and intimidated. Maybe these represent the ultimate obstacles that the Jewish faced with ultimately death being the largest obstacle. The symbolism also applies to the US and other allies in that we did not recognize the obstacles being placed in front of the Jewish people until they were too large to overcome.

Craig showed us a piece of the Berlin Wall that pays homage to a moment in 1961 and an iconic photograph taken in that moment. The moment capture Conrad Schumann jumping from East to West in 1961 as the East begins laying down barbed wire to separate the city. This became an iconic moment representing the desires of easterner to be in the west. Craig told us that the effect on Conrad Schumann was sad unfortunately as his family resented him leaving and he ultimately committed suicide.

Craig also showed us where hitler's Bunker was located, near the Jewish Memorial.

We visited many other points of significance including the Russian Memorial, the Reichstag (Parliament), the Brandenburg Gate, the President's home and the Victory Column.

Unfortunately we ate at the McDonald's by Checkpoint Charlie. We were rushed for time and Christian wanted a McDonals's burger.

Craig told us about how the East erected a TV tower meant to show their dominance. However, it became quickly known, and an embarrassment to the East, that the tower reflected a cross when the sun was overhead. The Eastern government attempted to halt this through paint and chemicals applied to the tower, but never could. Reagan even mentioned this in a speech in Berlin.

I got a great picture from the bridge by our hotel.

Raj, Sonu, Christian, Sarah and I played Rummy in the lobby until late. Tomorrow we leave Berlin and head to Munich.

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