Friday, January 28, 2011


Hard to believe that so many years have passed since the Challenger explosion. I will always remember walking in to the post office at West Virginia Wesleyan College and being told by a fellow student, Jeff Helms, that the shuttle had exploded. Another student at the college had gone to the school where Christa McCauliffe had taught. It was one of the first moments in my life that resonated on so many levels; tragedy...small world (at many levels)...and knowing while it was happening that I would remember those moments forever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore

Love this hymn from our worship service yesterday. Just beautiful. Based on Matthew 4:18-23.

You have come down to the lakeshore
Seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy,
But only asking for me to follow.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You know full well what I have, Lord;
Neither treasure nor weapons for conquest,
Just these my fishnets and will for working.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You need my hands, my exhaustion,
Working love for the rest of the weary,
A love that's willing to go on loving.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You who have fished other waters;
You, the longing of souls that are yearning;
O loving Friend, you have come to call me.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just before the dawn...

I was blessed with a reboot this morning. I drove my wife to work this morning and we were out early, before many others ventured out in to the weather and snow. We got 4-6 inches last evening and overnight so the roads were very covered and traffic was mostly nonexistent. It was truly a beautiful morning. The white blanket was inspiring and comforting.

Sometimes I get too worried about the trappings of life and what has already occured. I should be more focused on the promise of a new day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Glimpses of God

My life has been full lately; busy schedules; busy lives; emotional; stress; you name it...full. And through these past weeks I've noticed an increase in glimpses of God. Examples, joy from youngsters (any age really) ranging from singing to music on the radio, laughing out loud at a joke or situation, hugs - many hugs. Sometimes I get too busy to just be attentive to God's plans playing out around me. Driving to work I saw a bumper sticker - "Be the Blessing". Amen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm setting out to read the Bible in 90 days with (they let me join the study even though I'm not a mom - thanks!). I learned of this on Twitter through @RebeccaWVU and @MomsToolBox. Everyone participating can share their progress and questions on Twitter each Monday evening (hashtag #B90Days).