Saturday, December 31, 2016

And the leaves are falling...

The first day of school
Excitement fills the air
New clothes, supplies, friends
Summer fun to remember and share

To the child it is the beginning of a new day
To the parent the end of another year
The child things in terms of future
The parent keeps recalling the past

So much given to raise this child
So much given to provide
Filling the schedule with the upcoming events
The year seems scripted before it has begun

I remind myself to be patient
The let the minutes occur by themselves
Not to rush through the day and my life
But to enjoy each moment

The leaves are still on the tree
I must not already see them falling
The children are still growing and needing
I must not see them as gone and grown up

There is an excitement in the air
A sense of promise and wonder
I breathe it in, fill my soul
And I know that I am also young

~ Michael L. Perkins
August 24, 2006

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